Journalism refers to the production and distribution of reports on recent events. News can also be abbreviated as Noth, East, West, South. The Whole World is a source of news and Journalists have to sniff out newsworthy matters but again these days this line is getting blurred as the identifications of Paid Vs Real is somewhere lost. N.E.W.S, as you all know, is:
N- North
E- East
W- West
S- South
Generally, Media as a fourth pillar of democracy has its responsibility of telling the truth and reporting the facts to the nation but unfortunately these days Media has just limited itself to the new propaganda and made it a new
revenue line altogether. This revenue line even gets more revenue around the elections and are enough to make the mainstream filthy rich. These days we all must be receiving a Video on the
University of Whatsapp regarding Media Ownership. The only point of me referring to this video and also mentioning the counter is to show how blurry the lines of ethics have been constructed. Now According to the.....Read the entire
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