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Monday, 9 March 2020

Encountering Falsehood & Facebook Weaponisation: Disseminating Falsehood or Promoting a Messiah? | Review By Shivam Bajaj| Based on Real Face of Facebook In India By P Guha Thakurta

 Hundreds of millions of users are generating digital traces of their daily lives on social media. Social media serve many purposes, the most salient of which relate to their original functions of communication and social connectedness.

Real Face of Facebook in India by Cyril Sam & Paranjoy Guha Thakurta is Propelling a politically delicate book in a politically charged condition that exists currently is for sure testing. Be that as it may, for a book that draws in its readers, remain on its pages, and relate with the book's data, it isn't so testing.

It is about how internet-based life has become a purposeful publicity weapon and disseminator of disinformation and misrepresentation. Without a doubt, it has been conceivable because of the promptly available Internet, the bounty of advanced cells and modest information.  

In excess of 300 million Indians are accepted to be currently on WhatsApp, making the nation by a long shot its greatest market. It is never again TV and political assemblies of changed nature alone;  ......Read the full review here on Shivam Bajaj's personal blog 

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